Page Title
Welcome to the background mentorship page! If you are here it means you are possibly interested in improving your background painting skills and that is great!
The goal of this mentorship is to provide you with the tools to approach background painting in a professional way and improve your workflow and technique.
Keep scrolling for a syllabus of the mentorship
The mentorship can be done either in Italian or English language.
Below you can find tesimonials of past students, syllabus and other information
Week 1 - Understanding the visual elements of Styles
Week 2 - Extracting information from different references
Week 3 - Style applied: combining style with photo reference
Week 4 - Overlaying design and composition
Week 5 - Original background work - Sketching
Week 6 - Original background work - Final Layout
Week 7 - Original background work - Lighting keys
Week 8 - Original background work - Color keys
Week 9 - Original background work - Final background painting
Requirements & pricing
As this is not a fundamentals-focused mentorship I will require a portfolio submission to evaluate if this program can be effective for you. While we will cover and reinforce fundamentals, it's required to have some proficiency with the tools and a basic understanding of painting and its principles.​The mentorship is a 9-week program priced at 800€(+ VAT for all Italian students and European students who are not in possession of a VAT ID). You will be required to pay at least a deposit in advance, this is to prevent people from filling student slots and then not showing up.